24 days committing to HABITS, not restriction, for long term health and today’s body composition goals
Competing with others for a $$$ cash prize
- win and double your money -
Learning together and supporting each other
Guided by me to keep you accountable and make nutrition easier for your busy lifestyle

You must be able to weigh food as a standalone or unprocessed item, it does not matter if the item is cooked, canned, frozen, or fresh.
You cannot count fruits, vegetables, or protein in processed or packaged foods. Potatoes as potato chips, meat in pre made chili, peas in a chicken pot pie, protein in a burrito, stir fry apples in apple pie, do not count.
Dried fruit/vegetables and juices do not count toward the total.
With that said, you can count fruit, vegetables, or protein you weigh BEFORE making a recipe applied to the serving your consume (ex: homemade chili, ingredients in smoothie)
Canned items are ok if in water and/or spices only and weighed drained.
Refuse (peels, cores, or skins) that are no consumed should not be included.
The expectation is that you weigh and measure at home, work, etc. The more you weigh the more you’ll be able to eyeball and the less you’ll weigh it. A usual salad you order at work can be deconstructed and weighed early on and then eyeballed later. Use a restaurant’s website nutrition info where available; most dine in restaurant vegetable portions are ~2.5-3.0 ounces and protein portions are 6-8 ounces. Fast casual restaurant portions are 3-4 ounces based on food cost.
Do not worry about the oil contribution when weighing cooked items.
You can cheat any diet or system:
when in doubt, do not count it.

Four simple HABITS to complete each day for long term health and body composition goals
Rack up points for the daily HABITS you achieve, without expecting perfection
2 points for each HABIT completed + chance for bonus points to get yourself ahead of the group while improving your health even further
Daily nutrition tips and reminders to keep you focused right to your email and phone
Deeper evidence based nutrition guidance available each day when you need more… or don’t
Community chat in our private online platform to answer your questions - keep you motivated
Get involved each month to keep your HABITS aligned with your goals or hop in once to jump start your lifestyle.
Your daily HABIT24 tally to give credit too all that you’re prioritizing… as well compete against others in the challenge for your cash prize ($96 = $4 per day for prioritizing your habits)

Eat 24 ounces (oz) of fruits and/or vegetables, by weight, a day.
Eat 24 ounces (oz) of lean protein, by weight, a day.
Drink 24 fluid ounces (fl oz) of water four times, per day
Move 2400 steps four times, per day.
Restriction Leads to Rebellion. No foods are restricted during HABIT24, but only whole fruits, vegetables, and proteins count towards the 24 oz totals. These are to be prioritized - eaten first.
Why? It cuts to the main habits we want to build. Get you clear on optimal "servings" of fruits, veggies, and proteins that are associated with increased satiety/fullness, better health, performance, and body composition goals.
These habits are ones to maintain and revisit at any point in your life with or without targeted goals. When things get tough - you will always fall back on your habits.
HABIT24 allows for food preferences, allergies, and personalization (fasting, high fat, paleo, keto, etc.)
It promotes high-quality food choices by pushing out less beneficial choices.
It allows imperfection in the lifestyle diet and promotes mindfulness as it progresses.
Following these habits does not inherently lead to body fat loss or lean body mass goals. There are nuances.
It’s not personalized at the start - it promotes eating habits and food choices that you develop overtime.
It still requires you to be mindful of portions and hunger cues.